Conference Chairs

General chairs

Adela del Río Ortega

Adela del Río Ortega

Adela del Río Ortega is a professor at Universidad de Sevilla and a member of the ISA Research group, where she initiated the Business Process Management research line with her PhD thesis. She serves on the Steering Committee of the BPM conference and is known for her work on process performance indicators (PPIs) and their automatic analysis. Her current research interests include process performance management, RPA and personal productivity analytics. With over 50 publications in top computer science and information systems outlets, she has developed two registered software tools valued at over €60k and participated in more than 10 externally funded projects. She has also collaborated with various IT companies as a consultant and researcher.

University of Seville

Seville, Spain

Manuel Resinas

Manuel Resinas

Manuel Resinas is a Professor at the University of Seville, where he leads the Information Systems group in the Smart Computer Systems Research and Engineering lab. His current research interests include process performance and compliance management, personal productivity analytics, and the process of process mining. Previously, he worked on the analysis and management of service level agreements. His research is regularly published in journals like IEEE Trans. Serv. Comp. or BISE, and conferences like BPM or CAiSE. He has been general chair and PC chair of the BPM conference, and is currently associate editor in the BISE journal.

University of Seville

Seville, Spain

Program Committee

Arik Senderovich

Cristina Cabanillas

University of Seville

Seville, Spain

Irene Vanderfeesten

Hajo Reijers

Hajo Reijers

Hajo Reijers is a full professor at Utrecht University, leading the Process Science group in the Department of Information and Computing Sciences, and holds additional professorships at Eindhoven University of Technology and Queensland University of Technology. Formerly a consultant at Deloitte and Accenture, he has also led the BPM research group at Lexmark, served as a professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and advised multiple high-tech start-ups. His research focuses on business process redesign, automation, conceptual modeling, and enterprise information systems, with over 300 academic publications. See his website ( for more info or follow his musings on X via @profBPM.

University of Utrecht

Utrecht, The Netherlands


Han van der Aa

Han van der Aa

Han van der Aa is a full professor of Process-Oriented Information Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Vienna. Before that, he was a junior professor at the University of Mannheim and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He holds a PhD from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, obtained in 2018. His research focuses on process mining and analysis, with emphasis on the considerations of natural language, uncertainty, and privacy. His research has been published in premier conferences (BPM, CAISE, ICPM, ICDE, SIGMOD) and journals (IS, TKDE, TSE, DSS).

University of Vienna

Vienna, Austria

Bedilia Estrada Torres

Bedilia Estrada Torres

Bedilia Estrada Torres is an assistant professor at the Department of Languages and Computer Systems and a member of the ISA Research Group at the University of Seville, Spain. She received her international PhD in Computer Engineering in 2018. Her research interests include business process management, the analysis, modeling, and management of process performance indicators in different scenarios, such as structured processes, variability in process families, knowledge-intensive processes, their relationship with decision-making processes, and the use of chatbots in process management. Bedilia collaborated and conducted research stays in Brazil and Estonia and has participated in more than ten Spanish and European research, development, and innovation projects. She serves as a program committee member in business process management conferences and as a peer reviewer in scientific journals.

University of Seville

Seville, Spain

Inge van der Weerd

Inge van der Weerd

Inge van de Weerd is an Associate Professor in the Process Science group at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University. Her research focuses on the intersection of IT and organisations. Her research interests include workaround mining, process drift, and robotic process automation. She has over 100 publications. Amongst others, her work has been published in the proceedings of the BPM, Process Mining, ECIS, and ICIS conferences, and in the journals of Business & Information Systems Engineering, Computers in Industry, and Information & Management.

Utrecht University

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Demos & Resources

Francesca Zerbato

Francesca Zerbato

Francesca Zerbato is an Assistant Professor in the Process Analytics cluster at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Verona in 2019 and conducted her post-doctoral research at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Her main research interests are in the areas of process mining, with a focus on understanding and supporting users in their “process of process mining”. Francesca serves in the program committees of the BPM and ICPM conferences and is a co-organizer of the EduPM and ERPM workshops. She also serves as editor and reviewer for various journals.

Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Iris Beerepoot

Iris Beerepoot

Iris Beerepoot is an Assistant Professor in the Process Science group at the Department of Information & Computing Sciences at Utrecht University. Her research focuses on work processes in organisations and the extent to which this work is supported by and recorded in information systems. In her Ph.D. thesis, she studied the use of workarounds in healthcare organisations and analysed them with a mix of methods, including process mining. Her work has been published in the proceedings of leading conferences such as BPM, ICPM, ICIS, and ECIS, as well as in journals such as Computers in Industry, Business & Information Systems Engineering, Information Technology and Management, and the Journal of Biomedical Informatics. She served on several organising and program committees at BPM and ICPM, was awarded the BPM runner-up best dissertation award, and won an outstanding reviewer award at ECIS for two consecutive years. She chairs the AI Lab for Public Services which currently houses ten Ph.D. students. As a guest researcher, she visited the University of Haifa, the Sapienza University of Rome, the University of Seville, and the University of Queensland.

University of Utrecht

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Alfonso E. Márquez-Chamorro

Alfonso E. Márquez-Chamorro

Alfonso E. Márquez-Chamorro obtained his Ph.D. degree with honours from the Pablo de Olavide University of Sevilla in 2013. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the University of Sevilla, member of the ISA Research Group and SCORE Laboratory. His current research interests include business process management, process mining and data science. Previously, he worked on bioinformatics and evolutionary computation. He has contributed to more than 40 scientific publications in prestigious journals and conferences and took part in more than 15 R&D&I projects.

University of Seville

Seville, Spain

Industry Forum

Hugo A. López

Hugo A. López

Hugo A. López holds an associate professor position at the Technical University of Denmark. His research objectives involve the maturing of a new generation of process technologies that can adapt to citizen needs while still being compliant with regulations and laws. Such technologies should have a digital component in terms of software tools that support the digitalization of work processes. Finally, technologies should be understandable, even for people who do not have a computer science background. He is an active researcher in the business process management and formal methods communities. Previous academic positions include assistant professorships at DTU and Copenhagen University and postdoctoral positions at IT University of Copenhagen, The University of Lisbon, and DTU. His industry experience includes positions in software consultancy and product ownership at different firms in Denmark, and he regularly supports Danish companies in technology transfer and applied research initiatives. Currently, he is the leader of the Danish Center For Digital Compliance.

Technical University of Denmark

Lyngby, Denmark

Andrés Jiménez-Ramírez

Andrés Jiménez-Ramírez

Andrés Jiménez Ramírez is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Seville. He started his career as a software engineer in the R&D department of a Spanish consultancy firm. In 2010 he transitioned to the University, where he is a member of the Engineering and Science for Software Systems (ES3) research group. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Computer Languages and Systems department and also works as a Software Engineer at Vitaltech. His main research interests are Process Automation, Human Factors, Flexible Process Modelling, and Constraint Programming. In these areas, he has co-authored more than 30 contributions to prestigious international conferences and journals and participated in 7 research projects and over 20 technology transfer projects involving IT companies.

University of Seville

Seville, Spain

Estefanía Serral Asensio

Estefanía Serral Asensio

Estefanía Serral is an Associate Professor at KU Leuven (Belgium). She has a highly international and interdisciplinary profile. Her research center in improving businesses and societal challenges using the Internet of Things in combination with Business Process Management and/or data analytics. In 2018, she was also an Assistant professor at TU/e, The Netherlands. From 2012 to 2014, she led the Semantic Knowledge Representation and Integration research group at the CDL-Lab at the Technical University of Vienna (Austria). Until 2012, she worked in the ProS Research Center at the Technical University of Valencia (Spain), where she designed a novel method for developing ubiquitous systems using Model-Driven Development (MDD) and Semantic technologies. Prof. Serral has many publications in high-ranking conferences and journals, such as CAiSE, ER, UIC, PMC, ESWA, SOSYM, MTAP, etc. She completed her PhD in Computer science in 2011; a Master Degree on Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems in 2008; and a bachelor degree in Computer science in 2006.

KU Leuven

Leuven, Belgium

Education Forum

Kate Revoredo

Kate Revoredo

Kate Revoredo is a research associate at the Chair of Process Management and Information Systems at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She specializes in Business Process Management, Data Management, and Information Systems, with a focus on data-centric approaches. Kate obtained her habilitation (Privatdozentin) in Information Systems from WU Vienna. She earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where her thesis on probabilistic machine learning received national recognition. With over 100 published scientific contributions, her work appears in leading journals such as Information Systems, Computers in Industry and Machine Learning, and top conferences like BPM and CAiSE. Previously, she was an assistant professor at WU Vienna and an associate professor at Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Kate has taught 25 different courses across various levels, including executive education, and finds great satisfaction in designing stimulating and challenging courses that focus on enhancing the student learning experience.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Berlin, Germany

Banu Aysolmaz

Banu Aysolmaz

Banu Aysolmaz is an assistant professor in the Information Systems group of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research interests centre around explorative BPM, specifically on the use of emerging digital technologies, such as data analytics and artificial intelligence in processes. She investigates process innovation in relation to business models and organizational capabilities. She particularly focuses on digital transformation for circularity and sustainability. She received her PhD in information systems and received a Marie Curie fellowship for postdoctoral research. She has substantial industrial experience as a software developer and project manager and has led various projects as a BPM and process improvement consultant. She has designed and delivered BPM courses in various universities and for professionals.

Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Wasana Bandara

Wasana Bandara

Dr. Bandara is a fully tenured Associate Professor at the School of Information Systems, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane. As an internationally recognized expert in Business Process Management (BPM) and Information Systems (IS), she specializes in human-centric process management, digital transformation, and enterprise-wide process capability building, with a strong desire for leveraging technology for the greater good. Dr. Bandara is a sought-after keynote speaker and the author of over 140 publications on BPM and IS theory and practice. She has been recognized with multiple national and international awards for Research Excellence and Teaching Excellence and have mentored award-winning research students. She is a passionate educator who creates an engaging learning environment through real-world applications and contemporary teaching methods. Her philosophy bridges theory and practice, equipping students with both knowledge and practical skills for real-world challenges. Beyond academia Dr. Bandara is actively involved in research collaborations with a global network of experts and serves as a consultant to government and industry, helping organizations innovate and enhance productivity through IT and process changes. Her work spans various sectors, including public administration, healthcare, insurance, banking, education, and manufacturing.

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Brisbane, Australia

Tutorial & Panel

Marco Comuzzi

Marco Comuzzi

Marco Comuzzi is Associate Professor and Director of the Blockchain Research Center at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), in Ulsan (South Korea). He has held academic full-time positions at the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, and City, University of London, United Kingdom. His research is in the broad area of information systems design and data science, with a specific focus on process mining and blockchain technology. He has published more than 90 papers in international peer-reviewed outlets and recently wrote a textbook on blockchain systems.

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)

Ulsan, South Korea

Victoria Torres

Victoria Torres

Victoria Torres Bosch is a Lecturer and a member of the Software Production Methods (PROS) research center and the Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN) at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). She works actively in areas such as Business Process Management, Microservices architecture, Process Variability, the Internet of Things, Web Engineering, and Model-Driven Development. She has published several papers and articles in journals such as Information and Software Technology, Information Systems, and Software and System Modeling. For many years, she has actively participated in various National and European Projects in which PROS has been involved.

Universitat Politècnica de València

Valencia, Spain

Jorge Muñoz-Gama

Jorge Muñoz-Gama

Born in Barcelona, Jorge Munoz-Gama is Director of the Human & Process Research Lab (HAPLAB) and Associate Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Doctor in Computation from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, he received his Bachelor in Informatics Engineering from the same university. His research fields of interest include 'Processes' and 'Process Mining', specially applied to Education and Medical Education, among other areas. He has authored more than 80 publications on the topic, including the book 'Conformance Checking and Diagnosis in Process Mining' (Springer 2016). He is a Steering Committee member of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and he organizes the Workshop 'Education Meets Process Mining' (EduPM).

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Doctoral Consortium

Flavia Santoro

Flavia Santoro

Flavia Santoro is the Academic Dean of the Institute of Technology and Leadership (Inteli), and she is a professor at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. She earned her Ph.D. in Systems and Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), alongside a Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from the UFRJ's Polytechnic School, and a Master's degree in Contemporary Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Since 2009, she has been a recipient of the prestigious National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) Fellowship. Her academic journey also includes sabbaticals at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, France, during 2004-2005, and at Queensland University of Technology, Australia, from 2012 to 2013. With over two decades of experience as an educator and researcher in the field of Information Systems, Santoro's work primarily focuses on Business Process Management, Knowledge-intensive Processes, Knowledge Management, and Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Learning. Beyond academia, she has lent her expertise as a consultant on numerous projects related to BPM and software development for various companies.

Institute of Technology and Leadership (Inteli)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Benoit Depaire

Benoit Depaire

Benoit Depaire is Professor of Business Informatics at Hasselt University, Belgium and affiliated with the Digital Future Lab. His research interests focus on machine learning, statistics and other computational methods to gain valuable business insights from data, as well as on the philosophy and methodology of experimental algorithm design. His research has been published, among others, in Business and Information Systems Engineering, Decision Support Systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, Journal of Heuristics and IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. He is one of the founding organizers of the International Workshop on Event Data and Behavioral Analytics and leads the applied research unit BIARU.

Hasselt University

Hasselt, Belgium

Jana-Rebecca Rehse

Jana-Rebecca Rehse

Jana-Rebecca Rehse is Junior Professor for Management Analytics at the University of Mannheim, where she leads a research group on data-driven business process management by means of process mining and machine learning. She is particularly interested in developing process mining methods that deliver direct (business) value and are applicable by non-expert users. Before coming to Mannheim, Jana was a researcher and project lead at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and a visiting research scholar at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. She obtained her PhD from Saarland University in 2019.

University of Mannheim

Mannheim, Germany

Journal First Track

Niels Martin

Niels Martin

Niels Martin is an Assistant Professor in the research group Business Informatics at Hasselt University (Belgium). He is currently leading the research cell Process Analytics in Healthcare, focusing on topics such as work organisation mining, human resource mining, data-driven process simulation, care pathway analytics and process data quality. His research has been published in highly-regarded journals such as Information & Management, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Decision Support Systems and Business & Information Systems Engineering. As an active community member, he is a steering committee member of the Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare Alliance, and a member of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and the Scientific Research Community on Process Mining.

Hasselt University

Hasselt, Belgium

Karolin Winter

Karolin Winter

Karolin Winter is an Assistant Professor in Information Systems at Eindhoven University of Technology. Her main research interests are located in the area of business process compliance and process mining with a particular focus on applying, enhancing and developing process and data mining as well as natural language processing techniques. She contributed, e.g., to the formalization of instance spanning constraints and their discovery from process execution logs as well as to the direct compliance assessment between regulatory documents and processes. She received the runner-up best dissertation award at the BPM conference in 2021 and served as reviewer and PC member for conferences like BPM, ICPM and CoopIS.

Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven, The Netherlands


Daniel Calegari

Daniel Calegari

Daniel Calegari is a researcher and professor at Universidad ORT Uruguay and an Associate Professor at Universidad de la República, Uruguay. He is also a Researcher Level 1 at Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII) and a Researcher Grade 3 at Programa de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Básicas (PEDECIBA). His research mainly focuses on adopting a model-centric approach for reasoning (e.g., applying process mining in heterogeneous contexts) and promoting modeling as the primary software engineering activity (e.g., concerning business process management).

Universidad ORT Uruguay and Universidad de la República

Montevideo, Uruguay

Orlenys López Pintado

Orlenys López Pintado

Orlenys López Pintado is a Research Fellow in Information Systems at the University of Tartu, Estonia. In 2018, he spent six months as a visiting research scholar at CSIRO Data 61 Lab in Sydney, Australia. His research interests include business process management (BPM), business process simulation, optimization, and blockchain. His current area of research is data-driven discovery, simulation, and optimization of business processes. He received a PhD in Computer Science in 2020 at the University of Tartu, for which he obtained the best dissertation award at the CAiSE’21.

University of Tartu

Tartu, Estonia

Rehan Syed

Rehan Syed

Syed is a leading expert and lecturer in Business Process Management (BPM) and Information Systems at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. His research focuses on the socio-technical aspects of Process Automation, Cyber-Human Systems, and Business Process Management for Transparency (BPM4T) in the public sector. Syed has maintained his technical expertise through active consultancy work with the World Bank and various government ICT organizations globally.

Queensland University of Technology

Brisbane, Australia


Simone Agostinelli

Simone Agostinelli

Simone Agostinelli received his Ph.D. in Engineering in Computer Science from Sapienza Università di Roma in 2022. He is currently an Assistant Professor in Engineering in Computer Science at Sapienza Università di Roma. His research spans the wide spectrum of Business Process Management (BPM) with a particular focus on Robotic Process Automation (RPA). He published at very good conferences (EDOC, ICSOC, RCIS), top conferences (BPM, CAiSE, ICPM) and highly ranked scientific journals (Computers in Industry, Information Systems), which demonstrates the scientific rigor and relevance of his work. In 2019, he received the Forum Award at the 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'19). His PhD thesis won the 2023 Best BPM Dissertation Award at the 21st International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM'23). He served as both the PC Chair of the RPA Forum and the Proceedings Chair for the BPM'24 conference. He is currently the Proceedings Chair for the BPM'25 conference.

Sapienza Università di Roma

Rome, Italy