Call for Tutorials

The annual BPM conference is the leading forum for the Business Process Management community. In addition to the conference’s inspirational keynotes and scientific presentations, its tutorials provide a unique opportunity to learn from and engage with leading BPM experts in areas of contemporary BPM interest.

The 2025 edition of the conference will take place in Seville, Spain, from the 31st of August to the 5th of September, and its tutorials need to be designed with academics, students, and professionals in mind.

BPM 2025 seeks original and highly relevant tutorial proposals to complement the conference program. The tutorials will provide conference participants with the opportunity to obtain an in-depth introduction to specific topics of growing interest within the broader field of BPM.

This call is open to individual presenters and to teams of presenters. Both academics and practitioners are invited to submit their proposals. Presenters are invited to co-host tutorials including vendors and consultancies provided there is a strict focus on high-quality instructional content and no product placement.

The Call for Tutorials for BPM2025 combines a dedicated call for speakers for designated topics together with an open call for BPM topics across any of the three tracks of the conference.

Dedicated Call

In 2025, we are looking for individuals and teams who would like to offer a tutorial in one of the following dedicated areas below:

  • AI-Driven Predictive BPM
  • Quantum Computing in BPM
  • Ethical AI in BPM
  • Digital Twins and BPM/Process Mining

Open Call

In addition, we encourage tutorial submissions on emerging topics and aspects of the BPM discipline across the three tracks of the conference: Foundations, Engineering, and Management.

Submission guidelines

Tutorials are intended to be highly interactive, educational, and actively engaging the audience to participate in the discussion. A full tutorial is expected to last 1.5 hours. Accepted tutorial speakers are expected to present a ‘short teaser’ within the conference program ahead of the full tutorial presentation to attract conference attendees to the tutorial. With the same intention, short (3-minute) videos of accepted tutorials will be made available on the BPM 2025 web page ahead of the conference.

Proposals for tutorials should include the following information:

  • Title
  • Presenter(s) and affiliation(s)
  • 200-word abstract highlighting why the tutorial is attractive to BPM 2025 participants – Why is it novel? What are key learning outcomes?
  • Outline of the content (max. 1 page)
  • Intended audience (for example: academics, practitioners, and students) and level of tutorial (basic, intermediate, advanced; any prerequisites?)
  • Short description of planned activities to engage the audience (max. 0.5 pages)
  • Short bio of the presenter(s) Note that the abstract of the tutorial will be included in the BPM conference proceedings. If desired, there will also be the opportunity to share material (for example: readings, slides, and the like) on the BPM conference web page.

Please submit your proposal via e-mail to the three tutorial chairs by May 19, 2025. You will receive a notification regarding your submission on June 9, 2025.

Key Dates

  • Submission of tutorial proposals:

    May 19, 2025

  • Notification of acceptance:

    June 9, 2025

Deadlines correspond to Anywhere on Earth (AoE or UTC-12).

Tutorial and Panel Chairs