BPM 2025 organizes a Journal First track as part of the scientific programme. Authors of journal articles on BPM topics will be invited to present their work at BPM 2025 as part of a dedicated Journal First track session. This way, the authors are given the opportunity to present their work and conference attendees can benefit from a rich overview of recent research results in the field.
For the Journal First track, we invite submissions related to articles that have been accepted for publication by an esteemed journal and that meet the following criteria:
- The article fits the scope of the BPM conference as defined for the three research tracks: Foundations, Engineering, and Management.
- The article was an original submission to the journal and not an extension of an earlier conference or workshop paper.
- The article is written in English.
- The article was available at the publisher’s website (online publication) between March 1, 2024 and the abstract submission deadline for this Journal First track.
- The article has not been presented at a Journal First track of another conference or is currently under consideration for such a track.
Accepted submissions will be presented in a Journal First track session as part of the BPM 2025 scientific programme.
Submissions must be done electronically through the BPM 2025 EasyChair submission site (selecting the Journal First track) and include:
- Title and author information of the article
- The original abstract
- A link to the original publication at the journal’s website
All submissions will be evaluated by the track chairs in terms of their topical fit with the scope of the BPM conference, as well as the standing of the respective journal (including, but not limited to, the journal’s impact factor and ranking results).
Key Dates
- Abstract submission:
May 15, 2025
- Notification:
May 27, 2025
Deadlines correspond to Anywhere on Earth (AoE or UTC-12).
At least one author of each submission accepted for the Journal First track must register and attend the conference to present the work. As the articles of the Journal First track have already been published, they will not be part of the BPM 2025 proceedings. The articles will be listed in the conference program.
Journal First Track Chairs
- Niels Martin, Hasselt University
- Karolin Winter, Eindhoven University of Technology